California Clamps Down on Plastics Exports

California Clamps Down on Plastics Exports

California is the top exporter of contaminated plastic in the nation, flooding poor countries who lack infrastructure to manage it, confer stakeholders vested in curbing plastic pollution. And the state could be headed for big trouble (not unlike other states, but even more so) as pressure intensifies for policy to end U.S. plastics exports. Yet some of California’s own are among those who are most forcefully pushing to crackdown on shipments leaving their ports.

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US plastic waste exports in violation of new UN rules

US plastic waste exports in violation of new UN rules

Recent customs data obtained by the Basel Action Network (BAN) reveals that US exporters, global shipping lines, and the US government are all violating the new 2021global rules established by the Basel Convention to prevent indiscriminate dumping and pollution arising from the plastic waste trade in developing countries.

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Déchets importés d’Italie : Des ONGs tunisiennes et internationales font pression pour un retour imminent des déchets au pays d’origine

Déchets importés d’Italie : Des ONGs tunisiennes et internationales font pression pour un retour imminent des déchets au pays d’origine

Le Réseau Tunisie Verte et 8 ONGs internationales se sont associés pour exiger le retour immédiat de 282 conteneurs remplis de déchets municipaux mixtes qui ont été illégalement exportés de la région italienne de Campanie vers le port de Sousse en Tunisie entre mai et juillet 2020.

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PACE Releases Guidance for Circular Economy Transition in Five Sectors

PACE Releases Guidance for Circular Economy Transition in Five Sectors

The Platform for Accelerating the Circular Economy (PACE) Secretariat has released five publications that outline how the electronics, textiles, food, plastics, and capital equipment sectors can increase their circularity. Comprising the ‘Circular Economy Action Agenda,’ the reports serve as a rallying call for businesses, governments, researchers, consumers, and civil society to work together.

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Watchdog challenges shipping lines to curb illegal waste exports

Watchdog challenges shipping lines to curb illegal waste exports

A total of 52 organisations from all over the world have called upon major shipping lines to prove their corporate responsibility commitments by no longer transporting plastic waste from industrialised countries to developing countries that are ‘ill-equipped to handle it in an environmentally sound manner’.

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