US plastic waste exports in violation of new UN rules

by Recycling Magazine

Recent customs data obtained by the Basel Action Network (BAN) reveals that US exporters, global shipping lines, and the US government are all violating the new 2021global rules established by the Basel Convention to prevent indiscriminate dumping and pollution arising from the plastic waste trade in developing countries.

Plastics recycling in most developing countries is crude, incomplete, and highly polluting. Under the new rules, mixed and contaminated plastic wastes, or those containing PVC, that are routinely collected from residents in municipalities, small businesses, and recyclers, and that have in the past been freely traded are meant to now be strictly controlled. But, despite the new rules starting in January 2021, the first glimpse of the 2021 data shows that such exports to non-OECD countries (developing) have not diminished. Some, such as exports to Malaysia, have actually increased.

“Despite new global trade rules coming into force this year, our city, county, state, and federal governments appear to still be happily shunting their plastic wastes to horrific operations in developing countries, despite this trade now being illegal,” said Basel Action Network’s Executive Director, Jim Puckett. “Clearly, the Biden Administration has to step up at once and put the brakes on this form of environmental injustice.”