Are You Buying Electronics over the Holidays?

Are you buying electronics over the holidays?

Do you know where your old e-gadgets end up when you part with them?

BAN just launched the Techno Trash Transparency Tracking Project crowdfunding campaign

Junked computers, old printers, old smartphones. You probably know about the environmental and health problems associated with electronic waste. But did you know that e-waste is still routinely being dumped in developing countries? Unfortunately, it's still business as usual for too many operators that call themselves recyclers and simply export your old electronics. 

Environmentally disastrous and often Illegal dumping happens worldwide, every day. And the public is still largely unaware of this reality. 

BAN knows how to stop it – and bring it to light for others to witness. This new BAN tracking project will update the global picture and discover where your old e-gadgets go.

As discoverers of the global e-waste dumping grounds and creators of the e-Stewards Certification for ethical electronics recyclers, we have been working on a new project to stop the global dumping and raise awareness about it. We have been working to deploy GPS trackers following individual pieces of electronic junk to their final destination. In this ground-breaking and unique project, we’ve devised an unprecedented GPS pilot project to track North American electronics. BAN has deployed these geo-trackers for over a year now; and many have now crossed the oceans and arrived at their final resting places. 

Now that BAN has identified the final destinations of the trackers, BAN will visit these locales to chronicle the devastating impact e-waste has on vulnerable populations. Often, documenting this is difficult, as authorities hide their illegal activities and threaten families into silence. Documentation will be used to support enforcement, legislation and transparency – all essential for toxic-free communities. BAN's mission to promote global environmental justice and proper management of electronics – still cries out to be heard.  

This is where you come in.

BAN has just launched this new crowdfunding campaign - Techno-Trash Transparency Tracker Project - to help us get to China and document these trackers. We are inviting those of you who believe in our cause to support this critical mission.

Today we ask you to help with the final step in the project.

BAN has set our goal at $10,000 for this crowdfunding campaign. We are hoping you can help fulfill this goal with a tax deductible gift – even $50 makes a huge difference!   

Simply follow this link for more information and for the donation page.

By donating today, you are supporting long-term environmental and behavioral change by promoting Trash Transparency! With your help, BAN can make big things happen on a shoestring – your support is crucial, and time is of the essence.

Thank you in advance for your support. And, please forward this on to your network.