Environmental Crisis On Galician Beaches

Source: https://euroweeklynews.com/2024/01/06/environmental-crisis-on-galician-beaches/

Author: John Ensor

Recent weeks have seen the Galician coast in Spain awash with millions of tiny white plastic balls, transforming its picturesque beaches into an environmental nightmare. This environmental disaster began on December 13, with the discovery of plastic pellets on Espiñeirido beach.

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The Plastic Chemicals Hiding in Your Food

Source: https://www.consumerreports.org/health/food-contaminants/the-plastic-chemicals-hiding-in-your-food-a7358224781/

Author: Lauren F. Friedman

By the time you open a container of yogurt, the food has taken a long journey to reach your spoon. You may have some idea of that journey: From cow to processing to packaging to store shelves. But at each step, there is a chance for a little something extra to sneak in, a stowaway of sorts that shouldn’t be there.

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‘Polluter pays’ doctrine will take on new meaning

Source: https://www.reuters.com/breakingviews/polluter-pays-doctrine-will-take-new-meaning-2024-01-03/

Author: Lisa Jucca

MILAN, Jan 3 (Reuters Breakingviews) - Companies will learn the hard way that polluting the world has a cost. Ten years after the deadly Rana Plaza factory-building collapse that killed more than 1,000 underpaid textile workers in Bangladesh, cheap polyester clothes from Shein, Boohoo (BOOH.L) or Primark continue to fill our wardrobes before hitting the landfill. Meanwhile, more than 350 million metric tons of Coca-Cola bottles, Mars wrappers and other plastic items are discarded each year. This may change as a crackdown on fossil fuel-based waste takes shape in 2024.

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Ban on single-use plastic bags comes into force in Dubai

Source: https://www.sustainableplastics.com/news/ban-single-use-plastics-bags-comes-force-dubai

Author: Beatriz Santos

The Crown Prince of Dubai issued an Executive Council Resolution on the last day of 2023 that imposes a phased ban on the import and trading of single-use products. The resolution applies equally to single-use virgin and recycled products, regardless of their material composition.

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As the world swims in plastic, some offer an answer: Ban the toxic two

Source: https://news.mongabay.com/2024/01/as-the-world-swims-in-plastic-some-offer-an-answer-ban-the-toxic-two/

Author: Alden Wicker

In 2010, when Zimbabwe’s new Environmental Management Agency was less than 8 years old, it looked at high-priority environmental issues it should tackle. And it identified polystyrene takeout containers. Some know this type of plastic by its brand name Styrofoam. Zimbabweans call their takeout containers kaylites. Regardless of the name, just like all over the world, this lightweight plastic was ending up in Zimbabwe’s water bodies, where it broke up into tiny, impossible-to-clean-up, bits.

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Scientists speak up to debunk a ‘dangerous deception’: ‘It has been sold and hyped as a solution’

Source: https://news.yahoo.com/scientists-speak-debunk-dangerous-deception-043000198.html#:~:text=With%20less%20than%2010%25%20of,lease%20of%20life%20seemed%20enticing.

Author: Susan Elizabeth Turek

With less than 10% of plastic waste recycled globally, according to the U.N. Environment Programme, certain efforts to give plastic waste a new lease of life seemed enticing. Unfortunately, as reported by Huanjia Zhang of Environmental Health News, if something is too good to be true, it probably is, with scientists raising their voices to debunk “a dangerous deception.”

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Plastic Exports to Mexico Rise; Experts Warn About “Plastic Colonialism”

Source: https://www.onegreenplanet.org/environment/plastic-exports-to-mexico-rise-experts-warn-about-plastic-colonialism/

Author: Willow Lynn

Recently released information has shown that the United States plastic exports to Mexico doubled between 2019 and 2021. The rising amount of plastic waste exported from the United States to Mexico occurred despite a 2019 agreement between 187 countries that regulates and restricts the international trade of plastic waste. The ban took effect in January of 2021. Since the plastic waste trade agreement, Mexico has become the largest destination for plastic waste originating in the United States. Humanitarians and environmental activists are raising alarms about these exports, terming it “plastic waste colonialism.”

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Chemical recycling of plastic not so fantastic, report finds

Source: https://www.eastmojo.com/environment/2023/12/09/chemical-recycling-of-plastic-not-so-fantastic-report-finds/

Author: Mongabay

In today’s industrialized world, avoiding plastic is virtually impossible. Every trip to the grocery store likely means coming home with food and household items packaged in plastic bottles, tubs and packaging. Order something online, and your product may arrive shrink-wrapped in plastic. Not only that, but plastic is often part or all of the product itself, be it kids’ toys, holiday decorations or one of our ubiquitous electronic devices. So, how does one responsibly dispose of all this plastic?

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US plastic bag recycling directory site taken down after ‘abysmal failure’

Source: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/dec/06/plastic-bag-recycling-directory-disabled

Author: Dharna Noor

A national online recycling directory for plastic bags and films has been taken offline, six months after an investigation by ABC News found some materials were ending up in landfills, incinerators and other waste facilities. The directory previously directed users to some 18,000 store drop-off locations around the country where they could bring used plastic bags and packaging to be recycled, including Walmart and Target locations. The initiative was promoted by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and local and state governments across the country.

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Next Stop: Canada, for Tense Talks on a Global Treaty to End Plastic Pollution

Source: https://environmentaldefence.ca/2023/12/05/next-stop-canada-for-tense-talks-on-a-global-treaty-to-end-plastic-pollution/

Author: Karen Wirsig

There’s still a lot of work to do to get the global treaty we need to end plastic pollution. The recent round of talks at the United Nations Environment Programme HQ in Nairobi, Kenya, didn’t make much progress towards an international treaty to end plastic pollution. It was a disappointment for everyone. Well, except those investors and states that tie their future to drowning the world in oil and plastic. 

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Plastic credits are supposed to support new cleanup projects. Do they?

Source: https://grist.org/accountability/plastic-credits-are-supposed-to-support-new-cleanup-projects-do-they/

Author: Joseph Winters

Amid growing pressure to address the global plastic pollution crisis, many companies are turning to plastic credits — tradable units that represent some amount of plastic litter that’s been removed from the environment. This is convenient for companies that find it too difficult or expensive to reduce the amount of plastic that goes into their products and packaging. Instead, they can buy credits and say they’ve “offset” their plastics footprint.

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Germany and Brazil hope for swift finalization of a trade agreement between EU and Mercosur

Source: https://www.ctpost.com/news/world/article/germany-and-brazil-hope-for-swift-finalization-of-18532551.php

Author: AP

BERLIN (AP) — The chancellor of Germany and president of Brazil expressed hope Monday that decades-long negotiations might soon yield a finalized free trade agreement between the 27-member European Union and a bloc of four South American nations.

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Paper and plastic exports continue to decline

Source: https://resource-recycling.com/recycling/2023/12/04/paper-and-plastic-exports-continue-to-decline/

Author: Jared Paben

The U.S. continued to export less scrap fiber and plastic during the first nine months of this year, with notable drops in paper shipped to India and plastic shipped to Mexico.  U.S. companies exported 10.7 million short tons of recovered fiber during the first three quarters of 2023, down 13% from the same period in 2022. For scrap plastics, the U.S. exported 699 million pounds during that period, down 5% from the year before. 

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Plastic bag drop-off resource is taken off-line

Source: https://resource-recycling.com/recycling/2023/12/04/plastic-bag-drop-off-resource-is-taken-off-line/

Author: Colin Staub

A long-running comprehensive guide to public drop-off sites accepting plastic film has been taken down, leaving a gap in consumer-facing recycling information for bags and other flexible packaging. The Film Drop-Off Directory, which was housed at BagAndFilmRecycling.org, allowed consumers to enter their location and find the nearest drop-off recycling sites accepting film, primarily retail stores. The directory first launched in California in 2003, and expanded to cover nationwide film recycling information in 2007. It was maintained by Stina Inc. (formerly known as Moore Recycling Associates and later More Recycling), a longtime recycling consulting firm.

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Turkey illustrates the enduring problem of global plastic waste

Source: https://www.thenationalnews.com/opinion/comment/2023/12/05/how-turkey-illustrates-the-enduring-problem-of-global-plastic-waste/

Author: David Lepeska

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan touched down in Dubai last Friday, along with countless other high-level Cop28 participants, and soon began listing his country’s climate accomplishments. Turkey sharply reduced its CO2 emissions this year and expects to achieve net-zero emissions by 2053. Its share of electricity generated from renewables is 55 per cent, which ranks 5th in Europe and 12th globally, according to the President. Mr Erdogan also called for more equitable climate finance to further these efforts in Turkey and other emerging economies.

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