New Mexico plastics fire that released hazardous pollutants could smolder for days


Author: Aria Bendix

Firefighters in Albuquerque, New Mexico, have contained a gigantic plastics fire that prompted a health alert about hazardous air pollution. But authorities say the debris could still smolder for days. Responders were dispatched on Sunday afternoon to a facility that manufactures and recycles plastic pipes. By then, flames had ignited a storage yard filled with at least an acre of material — old and new pipes, semi-trailers and ground-up material ready to be recycled. A thick cloud of black smoke quickly filled the sky, the result of burning high-density polyethylene, authorities said.

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His Recycling Symbol Is Everywhere. The E.P.A. Says It Shouldn’t Be.


Author: Chang Che

Gary Anderson was a 23-year-old architecture student at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles in 1970, when he entered a design contest sponsored by a box manufacturer for a logo to promote the recycling of paper. He won, spawning a symbol that became international shorthand for repurposing waste materials. His design: three folded-over arrow strips, chasing each other in an endless triangle.

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Comments on plastics strategy urge source reduction, EPR


Author: Marissa Heffernan

The U.S. EPA asked for input on its draft National Strategy to Prevent Plastic Pollution, and recycling industry stakeholders have answered.  Many of the nearly 92,000 comments on the draft strategy called for federal deposit return systems and extended producer responsibility (EPR) programs. Industry voices also pushed for a greater focus on marine pollution and for the EPA to enforce plastic reduction targets.

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Nessel joins coalition calling for Biden admin. to do more to combat plastic pollution


Author: Kyle Davidson

Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel on Thursday announced she was joining a coalition with 13 other attorneys general urging the Biden administration to bolster its strategy to combat plastic pollution.  In the letter, Nessel and attorneys general from California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, the District of Columbia, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania and Vermont called on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to implement a broader and more robust plan to improve plastic waste management, and to reduce the production of plastic materials and decrease reliance on them.

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Why “Compostable” Plastic Is Actually Trash


Author: Karen Wirsig

There’s a disturbing push for so-called “compostable” plastic to replace single-use plastic items banned by the federal government. That’s a terrible idea and here’s why: “Compostable” plastic isn’t all that compostable. You can make it from oil and gas, or things like corn or sugar cane, but it’s all plastic when it ends up in the environment.

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EPA’s National Plastics Plan Flouts Sea Pollution, Chemical Use


Author: Christine Zhu

A national plastics strategy by the Biden administration has drawn concern over its scope and consistency with existing laws, according to comments on the proposal that closed earlier this week. The Environmental Protection Agency’s draft national strategy to prevent plastic pollution aims to reduce use and build a circular economy—a system where materials are recycled or recovered instead of thrown away. Released in May, the EPA outlined three objectives for the strategy: reducing pollution during plastic production, improving post-use materials management, and removing trash from the environment.

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Takin’ out the trash: How do transnational waste traffickers operate?


Author: Guia Baggi, Laura Carrer, Rahma Behi, Virginia Kirst

In 2020, 282 containers full of mixed waste bales sailed from Salerno, Italy, to Sousse, Tunisia, in four shipments. Italian customs did not raise any flags. Customs classified them as CA, or automated control (controllo automatizzato in the local language), simply meaning no control. Back then, the COVID-19 pandemic was kicking, and officials relaxed scrutiny of goods between countries. But even outside global emergencies, only a tiny portion of outbound containers undergo some control. In Italy, it’s roughly 2%.

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Group calls for EPA to include textiles in efforts to address plastic waste


Author: Deanna Toto

American Circular Textiles (ACT), a New York City-based coalition of organizations working to drive circularity in the U.S. fashion sector, submitted a letter to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) July 31, urging the agency to include textiles in its efforts to prevent plastic pollution. The letter, submitted by Rachel Kibbe, executive director of ACT, during the comment period for EPA’s draft National Strategy to Prevent Plastic Pollution, outlines the pressing challenges of textile waste and proposes solutions to combat the environmental and social impacts caused by the industry.

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ISRI responds to EPA plastic pollution reduction strategy


Author: Recycling Product News Staff

The Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries (ISRI) has submitted comments in response to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) request for public comment on its Draft National Strategy to Prevent Plastic Pollution. "Plastics are an extremely diverse, resourceful group of materials used in our daily lives," says ISRI President Robin Wiener. "Given the complexity of the recycling system and plastics in particular, there simply is no one single answer to the challenges facing plastics materials management in the United States. We applaud EPA for a proposed strategy that recognizes there are many solutions that, taken together, can make a significant difference in keeping plastic out of the environment and instead, circulate these valuable material resources into the manufacturing supply chain. We welcome the opportunity to further collaborate with the Agency and others to advance this proposed strategy."

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14 attorneys general urge EPA to bolster plastic pollution strategy


Author: Clark Mindock

Aug 1 (Reuters) - A group of 14 attorneys general have urged the Biden administration to adopt a more comprehensive strategy to reduce plastic pollution, which they say should include reducing new plastic production and addressing fast-fashion waste. In a letter submitted on Monday to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the attorneys general of California, New York, the District Columbia and others called the plastic pollution crisis “one of the most pervasive challenges of our time.”

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Over-emphasizing recycling is a problem


Author: Sarah DeWeerdt

“Reduce, Reuse, Recycle,” goes the familiar sustainability slogan. But a new study suggests that people don’t really know what the slogan means or why it goes that way. In an online survey, nearly half of 473 participants were unable to put the 3Rs in the correct order from the most to least sustainable action. Members of the public tend to prioritize recycling, the study reveals, to the detriment of reducing and reusing.

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For the Love of God, Stop Microwaving Plastic


Author: Celia Ford

At the start of his third year of graduate school, Kazi Albab Hussain became a father. As a new dad and a PhD student studying environmental nanotechnology, plastic was on his mind. The year before, scientists had discovered that plastic baby bottles shed millions of particles into formula, which infants end up swallowing (while also sucking on plastic bottle nipples). “At that time,” Hussain says, “I was purchasing many baby foods, and I was seeing that, even in baby foods, there are a lot of plastics.”

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Can Fashion Break Free From Its Addiction To Plastic?


Author: Emily Chan

You might not know it, but you’re probably wearing some form of plastic right now. In fact, nearly two-thirds of our garments are made from synthetics such as polyester, nylon, acrylic and elastane – all materials that are derived from fossil fuels, release microplastics into the environment, and don’t biodegrade, taking hundreds of years to break down. Given that so many of us have made a concerted effort to cut back on single-use plastic, it may come as a surprise that there’s so much plastic in our wardrobes. Consider the fact that over 100 billion garments are created every year, and that 70 per cent of our clothes currently end up in landfill, and it’s clear that it’s a huge problem that needs to be addressed.

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The Story of Plastic in Canada – Part 5: Plastic Waste and Microplastics


Author: Karen Wirsig

You’ve arrived at the final stop in the story of plastic in Canada.  It’s the part that we’re most used to hearing about: waste and litter. Last week, we checked out the aisles of the country’s grocery stores to confirm just how much single-use plastic is on the shelves. It’s a lot, and almost all of it ends up as garbage after a brief use. Plastic never really dies, but today let’s take a look at its final resting place. 

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Cities Are Key to the Success of the Global Plastics Treaty


Author: ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability

In early 2022, during the resumed Fifth United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA5.2), nation states agreed to establish a binding global plastics treaty by 2024, which should work towards ending plastic pollution. The process to arrive at such a treaty would be led by the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC) which will convene several times, starting with the first round of negotiations in Uruguay in December 2022. INC-2 took place from 29 May to 2 June 2023, at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris, France.

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