As the rest of world tackles plastics disposal, the U.S. resists


For the first time ever, international shipments of plastic waste came under global control this year. That’s because disposable plastic — a major pollutant of the world’s waters and atmosphere, fodder for incinerators, occupier of overflowing landfills, and material for costly recycling — was added to the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal.

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UK plastics sent for recycling in Turkey dumped and burned, Greenpeace finds


Turkey has become the latest destination for British plastic waste, which ends up dumped, burned or left to pollute the ocean, a Greenpeace investigation has found. More than half of the plastic the British government says is being recycled are sent overseas, often to countries without the necessary infrastructure to do so.

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Biden Administration Called Upon Join Basel Convention And Promote Global Environmental Justice For Waste


Over 150 environmental and social justice organizations worldwide on Thursday called upon the Biden Administration to fully ratify the 1989 Basel Convention on global waste management as a matter of urgency in alignment with the Administration’s new emphasis on environmental justice.

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Biden Administration Called Upon to Join the Basel Convention and Promote Global Environmental Justice for Waste


May 13, 2021. Seattle, WA. Today, over 150 environmental and social justice organizations worldwide have called upon the Biden Administration to fully ratify the 1989 Basel Convention on global waste management as a matter of urgency in alignment with the Administration's new emphasis on environmental justice. In a letter to the President, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Michael Regan, and Chair of the Council on Environmental Quality Brenda Mallory, the groups called out the glaring contradiction between the Administration’s strong stated emphasis on environmental justice domestically and the poor record of the United States on those issues internationally.

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Authorities examine German plastic waste exports to Turkey


Turkish authorities could send at least 140 containers of household waste back to Germany . The WirtschaftsWoche reports. The garbage was exported to Turkey and should be used there in a recycling plant. However, the recycler in question has now had its certificate for the recovery of German household waste withdrawn, said a spokesman for the Federal Environment Ministry when asked by WirtschaftsWoche.

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German packaging waste stranded in Turkey raises legal questions


Consignments of plastic waste from the German packaging waste recovery system now in Turkey have been the topic of much conversation and conjecture in recent days. Thousands of tonnes of sorted fractions may have to be repatriated, EUWID has learned.

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The Global North’s Environmental Impact on the Global South

The Global North’s Environmental Impact on the Global South

Since 2019 Malaysia, a relatively small nation in Southeast Asia, has sent 267 containers of plastic waste back to their countries of origin. It was reported last week that they are in the process of sending back 81 more containers. The trash was returned to the United States, amongst a number of other first world countries, including France, the U.K, Canada, Singapore and Spain.

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The Recycling Industry in America Is Broken

The Recycling Industry in America Is Broken

Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. According to The National Museum of American History, this popular slogan, with its iconic three arrows forming a triangle, embodied a national call to action to save the environment in the 1970s. In that same decade, the first Earth Day happened, the EPA was formed and Congress passed the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, encouraging recycling and conservation of resources, Enviro Inc. reported.

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