US Objects to New Global Rules to Better Control Exports of Contaminated and Mixed Plastic Waste


The US is the sole member of the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) -- the group of 36 developed nations, that has chosen to object to the adoption of recently agreed Basel Convention trade controls to ensure that plastic wastes that are dirty and mixed and thus difficult to recycle can only be exported with the prior permission of the importing country.

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111 million tonnes of plastic waste will have nowhere to go by 2030 due to Chinese import ban: study

111 million tonnes of plastic waste will have nowhere to go by 2030 due to Chinese import ban: study

Since 1992, China has imported 45 per cent of the world's plastic waste. But at the start of this year, the country shut the door on much of that plastic, leaving countries scrambling to fend for themselves.

Now a new study suggests there are deep repercussions to China's new policy: By the year 2030, an estimated 111 million tonnes of plastic waste will be "displaced" and have nowhere to go.

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Hong Kong urged to look into high-profile case of electronic waste illegally shipped to Philippines as Greenpeace loses track of cargo


Hong Kong authorities have been urged to look into a high-profile case where a container holding tonnes of electronic and plastic waste illegally shipped to the Philippines from the city was sent back last week.

Philippine officials discovered the cargo in May. Photo: Greenpeace Hong Kong Office / Froilan Gallardo

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Is the EU lowering global standards for toxic and persistent substances?


In its quest to improve recycling rates and to waste less, the EU is losing its renown as a leader in global chemicals management.

In Europe, the phrase "circular economy" is a golden ticket – one of those hopeful-sounding, vaguely futuristic concepts bandied about in the Brussels bubble as a potential solution to the world's environmental problems.

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Wealthy Nations Seek Solutions at Home as More Developing Countries Reject Plastic Waste Exports


On May 28, 2019, Malaysia's environment minister announced that they are sending 3,000 metric tons of contaminated plastic wastes back to their countries of origin, including Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia. Along with the Philippines, which is sending 2,400 tons of illegally exported trash back to Canada, Malaysia highlights how controversial the global trade in plastic trash has become.

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Southeast Asia Doesn't Want to Be the World's Dumping Ground. Here's How Some Countries Are Pushing Back


The global trash trade has reached a turning point; wealthier nations have long shipped their plastic waste to the developing world to be processed, but in recent months, some nations in Southeast Asia have begun sending the exports — much of it contaminated plastic and trash that is unrecyclable — back to where it came from.

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Malaysia to return 3000 tonnes of illegally exported plastic waste

Malaysia to return 3000 tonnes of illegally exported plastic waste

The Malaysian Ministry of Energy, Science, Technology, Environment, and Climate Change (MESTECC), has announced it will be shipping back 450 tonnes of contaminated plastic waste contained in ten containers, while running an inspection process on more than 50 containers that were brought to the country illegally.

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